Manufactured Housing By The Numbers

Some days you just have to laugh at the absurd statements people make. 

As an industry, factory built housing has a relatively few amount of professionals that are actively building homes compared to the numbers that site built housing has. The National Association of Home Builders has approximately 140,000 members and over 110,000 members attended the International Builders Show.

Yet there is an online publication that states even though the Manufactured Housing Institute has a mere 500+ active members, "we are able to do shorter, higher energy (read, transfer of emotions) videos, images and stories that hold and move the viewers attention." This publication "has brought millions of visits with tens of millions of hits".
Yet when we go to the site where these videos are hosted, most of the videos show views of less than 50, with the highest number of views being 340. And this is with many companies paying for the production of these videos so we would assume they are using them for their marketing purposes.

As a Lifestylist, my interest is in educating consumers about what a great value manufactured housing is, and I am fortunate enough to be very successful in my career and have been able to produce and edit the videos I have done at no charge - just because I love the industry. Some of our videos have had more views than others, including a video we did for SE Homes of Texas that has had over 1,200 views! Our Tunica overview has had over 1,000 - please see more examples on YouTube or our video channel.But what is important to us is the quality of the message we are sharing and that we are sharing it to the right audience. 

We don't even try to say that we have millions of views of our posts, but the readers who do find us and follow us are here because they like what we have to say. We used to write for this publication but after writing unique content for years and never receiving one inquiry we decided to take our talents elsewhere. And it wasn't our content that was missing the mark - as soon as we started sharing our content someplace else we immediately got two new great customers that to this day we continue to do business with.

This same person who claims to have millions of readers loves to stir things up and recently even made personal attacks against one of the leaders of our industry. He went on to claim that there was a huge out pouring of comments against this person, yet at the recent MHI winter meeting there was an almost universal show of support for the individual that was being attacked and the job he is doing. Trying to stir things up may get you more readers for a short period of time, but they will be wary after that of the fact you may turn on them next. There's enough bad news and stories out there - why not share the good news which there is even more of?

As we have stated from the beginning, our only interest is in creating positive press about manufactured housing. Why we brought up what we did above was so that before you believe the claims that anyone makes, do your homework.

The homes that are being manufactured today are a great value and something we are very proud of - shouldn't your next home be built in a factory? Join us in spreading the great news about manufactured housing.


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